Control Software

The "PARTNER", an award-winning source level debugger comes with the PARTNER-Jet. This powerful software supports high-level languages as well as Windows programming convention. You can debug your target program with ease, even with a click of mouse, using pull-down menus, toolbars, scrollbars, etc. It also provides multiple windows operation and online help.
The "PARTNER" has powerful debug commands and macros for efficient debug operation. It offers structure inspection and variable watchdog, as well as traditional debug features such as memory and register dump, I/O commands, step execution, breakpoints, and so on.

Required configuration options will be appeared on the toolbar before start using it. A wizard helps you to editing .CFG file, creating and editing monitor files, and setting initialization options. You can save the configuration to the disk with desired file name for further use and you'll be able to retrieve saved configuration just by double-clicking it.
The "PARTNER" is compatible with high-level languages and supports source level debugging in C/C++ languages. You can do every debug actions in source level, executing program steps in source line basis, setting breakpoints, view/change contents of variables and/or structures, and so on.
PARTNER software offers even improved data view/change features. For example, double-clicking a variable in Source window opens the Inspection window and you can view/change the value(s) of variable contents. You can view/change the value(s) of variable contents also in Watch window or Local window. You can change data in Registers window or Memory window with mouse operations.
Improved high-speed software processes complex and time-consuming operations in a second, providing more comfortable debug experiences.
You can view/change variables in all data types provided in C language such as char, int, pointer, structure, union, array, etc. You can evaluate expressions written in C language format.
You can set watchdog for important variables and view the latest value of variables or expressions in the Watch window.
Useful command assistance feature offers line edit, command search, global symbol search, etc. It also remembers command history up to 1,500 characters.

A powerful macro language comes with "PARTNER" software which supports conditional branch and loop structure such as if, for, while, do, break, etc. You can build new commands using existing commands and breakpoints for efficient debug operation.
You can redirect single character input/output routines on the target board to your host computer (i.e, PARTNER's debugger window). You can see messages from the target program on the target board on your computer display, or you can type commands for the target program from your computer keyboard.
Customize the toolbar by adding frequently-used commands such as loading target program, setting breakpoints, executing program, inspecting variables, and so on. You can do it with clicks of mouse operations.

You can display or hide each windows with toolbar operation. The debugger remembers last positions of every window and you can save three presets for window positions. You can set fonts and colors for each window.
Debugger Windows
Main window
PARTNER's main window.
Code window
This window shows the source code. Tow source files can be displayed at the same time.
Command window
This window takes commands for PARTNER.
Memory window
This window shows memory contents at specified address(es).
Registers window
This window shows all register values.
Stack window
This window shows stack pointers.
Local window
This window shows names and values of all local variables declared in the current function.
Watch window
This window shows current values of specified variables and address contents.
Backtrace window
This window shows the name of the function where the current function was called from.
Break window
This window shows all breakpoints and their status.
Memo window
This window shows your personal memo, data, or anything you like.
Inspection window
This window shows values of specified variables or structures. You can change values through this window.
History window
This window shows contents of real-time trace memory.
KMC, the KMC logo, PARTNER, PARTNER-Jet, PARTNER-JetM, exeGCC, JTAG-Ether, and Eclipse for PARTNER Cross DevKit are trademarks of Kyoto Microcomputer Co., Ltd. Product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. This material is provided for informational purposes only; KMC assumes no liability related to its use.